Thursday, December 9, 2010



Yoga is a sport that originated 3000 years ago in India. The basic Yoga pose, which is cross legged on the ground, holding your hands up in the hair and saying “OM” over and over again was found engraved on Indus Valley seals thousands of years ago. However Yoga isn’t anything like any other sports such as lacrosse, soccer or football, it doesn’t only require the ability to move fast using your lower body strength and legs. Instead Yoga links one to their spirit and trains the body, breath and mind. It allows one to focus on themselves and concentrate and develop new strengths, flexibility, stamina and most importantly the awareness of your body and breath. Even though Yoga may not be considered a sport to everyone, it is, but in completely different ways, in a lot of ways its better than other sports because your using different techniques and trying something new with a different part of your body each day, but in soccer or lacrosse its consistent running and use of lower body strength when in yoga its everything. The name “Yoga” fits its purpose perfectly, the term actually means to “unite” and that’s exactly what people are doing when taking part in Yoga. It allows you to unite your body, mind and spirit all into one.

Here is an Indus Valley Seal that the basic yoga pose was originally discovered carved into the stone.

Here are the basic poses that are still used today in Yoga. However, the lotus position is the one that was found among a lot of the Indus Valley Seals unlike the tree,triangle and cobra which were used later on. The full lotus position is the same but your hands are raised not resting on your knees.

Thread of Yoga DVD trailer best documentary on sacred India
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  1. I had no idea there were only a couple of very popular ones. Does the lotus have to do with Buddha?

  2. Super cool Oliv!!! Could you somehow find a way of pointing out the pose on the stone picture?

  3. Good job Olivia. It was interesting to learn some new yoga poses. I only new the tree pose. It was also cool to see in the video the interesting things that people of all ages do during yoga.

  4. It is so interesting to learn how Yoga originated and how it relates to the way it is used today. There are many changes, while it has also preserved many of the important features. I also thought it was cool that the people in the Indus Valley Civilization came up with it so long ago and it is still a popular sport.

  5. Nice job Olivia it was really cool to see how so many religions and groups of people are associated with yoga.

  6. I didn't know that yoga was a sport! You must need to be very flexible. Nicely done Olivia!

  7. there is a lot more to yoga than stretching out! good presentation
