Wednesday, December 8, 2010

The Jain Temples of Palitana

The city of Palitana (above) contains the most sacred temples in the Jain religion. The city is

located in the Shatrunjaya hills, in the state of Gujarat, India. Some people consider Palitana the

Jain equivalent of what Mecca is to Muslims. Every jain, at least once in his or her lifetime, must

travel there if the wish to attain Bhavya status. Bhavya is the jain equivalent of moksha or nirvana. This

important city has had 16 renovations done to it's temples. All of these 1250 temples in Palitana and the

surrounding hills are made of marble, and in them there are over 27,000 idols of their gods.

Some pictures of "Derasars"(jain temples)

An Educational Video


  1. Very interesting Grant. I do not know if I could handle walking up 3,364 steps. Why can't anyone stay over night?

  2. I thought your blog was very interesting, and the video explained a lot about the trip to these temples. I thought it was so cool the relationship it had to the pilgrimage to Mecca. I have one question though. How did they get all those temples built up there because didn't the workers have to carry all of the materials up those steps? Also, how long did it take, seeming that they can't stay overnight?

  3. The trip to the Palitana Temples sure is hard. People probably lose some pounds from walking up all those steps. It is very interesting how you have to make one trip to the Palitana Temples just like Mecca.

  4. Nice job G-rant I thought you did a good job and your video really helped to further explain your points.

  5. The video was really perfect and very educational. You did such a good job presenting and your topic was engaging. The temples seem incredibly hard to build, those people must have been very strong! I wonder why nobody is allowed to stay there overnight?

  6. you must burn some real carbs going up it that many times 3000 steps is intense good video
