Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Data Ganj Baksh

Data Ganj Baksh is Pakistan's most important Sufi shrine. Sufism is a type of mystical dimension of Islamic beliefs and practices. Some of these Sufi shrines have been a target for aggression between Sufis and Islamic fundamentalists. Many Sufis come from far away to go to Data Ganj Baksh in Pakistan to give offerings to Allah at the shrine. One difference between Muslims and Sufis are that Muslims are on a path that will bring them close to God after a final judgment when they die.
Sufism beliefs the same but also believes that one can achieve divine presence on earth. Abul Hassan Ali Hujwiri or Data Ganj Baksh was a Sufi Muslim who spread Islam/Sufism through lots of parts of South Asia. He also was considered a saint and a scholar during the 11th Century. He spent almost all of his time visiting shrines and meditating before he finally became enlightened.


  1. Data Ganj Baksh by Dylan R

  2. wow this is so neat! awesome pictures!

  3. Nice going dylan. This is a good blog. The picture on the very front is very intriguing and it catches one's attention.

  4. Tha 1st pictures really sticks out.Nice Job.

    this was really interesting the pictures are so cool
